La Mer
Forty years ago, aerospace physicist Dr. Max Huber set out to help heal the appearance of the scars he suffered in a lab accident. Pioneering the use of sea kelp in skincare and mastering the art of bio-fermentation, he created Miracle Broth - the seaborne elixir that powers the legendary Creme de la Mer. It took twelve years and thousands ofexperiments to perfect, but the transformational results made it well worth the wait. Formulated with Miracle Broth, renowned for its healing energies, this potent, nutrient-rich creme helps soothe, nourish and renew the skin, encoraging it to focus on its natural repair.
La Mer offers an array of specialized treatments to address your individual preferences and skin's changing needs. Working in surgery, your ideal moisturizer, eye treatment and serum create a simple and completely personalized regimen designed to deliver a healthy, more youthul appearance today - and for a lifetime.